to start blogging again for pete's sake.
Now listen here blog, in my defense, I haven't had much alone time to be with my "thoughts" you see.
My hubs was gone for 3 weeks in Nov and Dec and in those 3 weeks, Chase morphed into a devil child and was a hittin, kickin, screaming machine. Apparently Chase didn't like Eric leaving for training.
That in turn took up all my free time, ya know, with the wrastling i had to do with him every night just to get him into his room to go to bed.
Then the hubs came home from training and all the bad behavior someone had flipped a switch. And the hitting, kicking, screaming got replaced with kissing.
I know, it's a real eyebrow furrow-er.
Just as Chase wasn't privy to who he hit, kicked or screamed at, he isn't privy to who he kisses or comes into 'gentle' contact with.
Like the waitress at Chili's that he kissed on the elbow when he was walking past her on his way back from the bathroom. Or the lady sitting in the booth that he tapped lightly on the thigh and said "spank".
Or the wall we were sitting by in Sacrament Meeting today that he kept kissing ...and the little girl's wrist sitting in the pew in front of us.
While Eric was home for Christmas, we had a great time and a great Christmas. Although we were all coughing and sniffling the week of Christmas, except Allie. Lucky duck!
Chase sounded like he could cough up a lung.
Thankfully he didn't.
Santa was kind and brought Allie an electric scooter.
On Christmas night, since Chase was so sick, we didn't think we should go to anyone's house. Call us crazy, but with a bad cough and snot covered cheeks and nose, we decided drugging up Chase with medicine and going to the drive-in was a better idea. Luckily for us, Papa John's was open, so Christmas dinner for us was half ham and pineapple and half supreme. We saw Gulliver's Travels, it was h-i-l-a-r-i-o-u-s. What can I say?? I am a Jack Black fan so i loved it. There's a scene where he uses a Prince song to help his friend woo the princess....classic use of 80's music for love. Brilliant.
Among other movies we saw:
Good movie. Eric doesn't get excited about movies, as do I (Twilight) and so to see him excited about Tron was fun.
(Us waiting for TRON to start)
When the previews were all finally done, the movie starts but it wasn't Tron. It was Little Fockers. Everyone in the theatre was in a dizzy. Eric was one of the first to pop up out of his seat to tell them the projectionist dude had definelty started the wrong movie. The hubs wanted his TRON.
So they fixed it surprisingly fast and the right movie was shown.
We received a 50 dollar gift card to Lowe's from Eric's sister...which we loved. It's as good as a Hobby Lobby gift card!
With it we bought new outside lights, so now we have at least one thing that isn't exactly the same as everyone else on the block!
So they fixed it surprisingly fast and the right movie was shown.
We received a 50 dollar gift card to Lowe's from Eric's sister...which we loved. It's as good as a Hobby Lobby gift card!
With it we bought new outside lights, so now we have at least one thing that isn't exactly the same as everyone else on the block!
I have since changed out the light bulbs from those energy saving, super bright great for the environment (butt ugly) lighbulbs to the energy sucking better looking light bulbs. But in my defense, they're only on a few hours a night....does that justify it??
On New Years Day, we played Just Dance 2.
That Wii game spells f-u-n.
But seeing as how I'm the world's most uncoordinated person, my 8 year old beat my score.
See how I'm not doing the same move the person in the game is?? You're supposed to do the same moves the person on the game does. Oops!
By the way, on New Years...I made it until 10:37pm.
Eric was in bed before that.
Aren't we fun!!?? :)
1 comment:
I enjoy reading your have a unique way with words that somehow make the ho-hum day to day living sound fun and exciting!
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