So, i was totally motivated to blog everyday until i was out of pics and stories about our summer roadtrip. But then I caught a headcold, (totally lame) so I was out of circuit for a week....but I'm back and off the Nyquil/Dayquil regimen and ready to blog with my pumpkin smash smoothie from Jamba Juice sitting next to me which I am in love with it, seriously, you think I jest, but I do not.
So...after we left Martin's Cove, we drove to South Dakota and stayed for 3 days in a cabin in Keystone. Oh my goodness sakes. there. Living in Las Vegas, you forget that other places in America are so green!
I mean, really? People actually get to live in a place this beautiful? I could have stayed there forever, f-o-r-e-v-e-r. |
It was P-E-R-F-E-C-T weather for those 3 days we were there, and no mosquitoes were seen, no rain, just sunshine and 70 degree weather. There was fog for like 5 minutes when I snapped this pic but that was it. Well, the very first day we'd got there, it had rained before we got there, so it was 60 something degrees outside and my desert butt was freezing! The locals thought I was nuts, but hey, I'm used to 115 degree weather, even at night time! Anyhoo, it was heaven. We had deer in our front yard and if you drove up the road a bit to a town called Hill City, along the way there would be free range cows, just standing right by the road! They were huge, and totally awesome. The very first time I saw a cow close up was when I was serving a mission for the LDS church in the great state of Wisconsin. I found out the hard way cows don't really like to be pet on the top of their head while their heads are in those holder thingy's while they're getting milked. What did I know? I was a Las Vegas native! Anyway, it was lovely there. I've never seen so many deer in my life.
So our second day there, we went and visited Mount Rushmore. If you have never been there, GO. It is so worth seeing. It is magnificent. It is so much bigger than I thought it was. And Roosevelt's glasses are cool!
Us with all of Eric's family except his little bro and fam |
This is what it was supposed to look like when it was all finished. I had no idea it wasn't finished in the first place! Looks good to me just the way it is, ya know?!?! |
Me and my beautiful girl! |
Chase lovin it! He was so good while we were there, we only lost him once that day! (And not for very long.) He is a wanderer, a bolter I like to say, which is why we got him a trusty medical bracelet. |
Allie and Chase with their cuz Taylor |
Leading up the pathway to observe mt rushmore, there was every state listed and what year it became a state. |
Yumm-o |
This is the view when you're first walking in, or if you turn around and look back when you're walking out..whichever or both! :) |
1 comment:
That is so cool Amber!! I want to go!! That picture of your cabin is looks gorgeous there!
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