Tuesday, September 6, 2011

1st Stop; Salt Lake City baby

Well, i was supposed to do this post the next day, but oops! When kids get sick after school only being back in session after one week, that kinda trumps everything else. Can we go back to summer vacation please??? No?? okay....So with the kitchen done, tiled and painted, (oh, and we added knobs to all the cabinets and bead board underneath the breakfast bar but those pics will have to come later) we were ready for our vacation...so off we went!
Our ultimate goal this family vacation was to visit the Mormon handcart church history sites of the Willie and Martin Handcart Co's rescue spots and then up to Mt Rushmore.
Our first day, we drove up to Salt Lake City and stayed in the wonderful Salt Lake Plaza hotel. It's an older hotel but it was VERY nice and right across the street from temple square, which is just where we wanted to be! It had been years since I'd been to temple square so we spent a day there and then headed up to Idaho Falls that evening but not before having a bit of fun in the sun. See, you can't have fun in the sun in Las Vegas, unless you're submerged in water, or you will pass out and possibly die from heat stroke. So to be able to walk around, outside, in August, was superb! I know I know, winters get cold in Utah, but to have summers like that? Heaven!!

This was all our luggage..can you tell we're in the military?

My angels!

Our wonderful Hotel!

Chaser and I in front of the Conference Center before we toured it

On the roof of the Conference Center, if you havne't been up there, GO. Its cool!    

 David O McKay is in this pic, can you see him?

On the roof of the Conference Center...again      

I don't know..I just don't know

On our horse drawn carriage ride thru the streets of Salt Lake. So fun to ride on it and make a quick pit stop at  Maverick's!

Giving the driver the love he deserves....

Inside the church history museum. ------>

The WHOLE stain glass window

The page on the left is an actual page saved from when Joseph Smith and his transcriber were translating the Book of Mormon. SO cool!

Allie pulling a handcart like the early saint Mormon pioneers. It's about time she pull her own weight around here! haha

Death masks of the prophet Joseph and his brother Hyrum.

My loves, enjoying running on the grass, because when you live in Las Vegas, you don't get grass, really, especially in your front yard, it's illegal. Any house built after 2005 can't have grass. Sad but true. Why do we live there again? haha


My eternal Family, I love these foo's!

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Love SLC and love that temple! Looks like a fun start to your trip, can't wait to see more!!