When we moved back to the US after living on Japan for 4 years, i kinda-sorta didn't stop driving like they do in Japan...at least not right away.
I got pulled over 4 times in less than a year that first year we were back.
2 times for speeding (1 totally wasn't my fault)
1 time for rolling thru a stop sign on base (totally lame, it's better on gas if you don't come to a complete stop anyway)
and i can't remember what the 4th one was for.
Understandably after that year of getting so many tickets, i slowed the heck down, came to complete stops and didn't speed up thru yellow lights just to be safe.
Yesterday, I, for some reason and without a good explanation, really wanted a breakfast burrito from MickeyD's. As we all learned from the movie Big Daddy, McDonalds stops serving breakfast at 10:30am. ("Could somebody get the kid a Happy Meal??!!!!")
It was 10:23 when i got into my new sweet van,
I also went thru a yellow light that morning. I was almost there when out of no where, a motorcycle cop appears out of thin air behind me, sirens a blazin and lights a flashing.
So i pulled over like a good citizen, and took off my seat belt.
When we came up to the window i said 'I JUST took off my seatbelt but i swear i was wearing one'. He said "I know, it's okay, and just so you know, I pulled you over for speeding....not for the yellow light you sped up to go through".
Um, thanks?
So after 10 min of not being able to find my driver's license thanks to the new fancy wallet i got, i finally found it, (the cop actually saw it first before I did in my wallet) he wrote the ticket and walked away. As I'm putting everything back in my wallet after throwing it all around trying to find my DL, the cop walks back to me and says "I've been seeing those stickers everywhere!! What does it mean...."Warning, I Drive Like a Cullen"
The dude had never seen Twilight!!! Could you die???
I told him that in the story, the vamps drive really fast Volvo's and they don't obey traffic laws.
I proved that to be true for myself that day....except that I drive a Honda Odyssey instead of a very expensive Volvo...someday...someday.
To make a long story short, (too late for that) i made it to McD after 10:30am, they still made me a breakfast burrito anyway, and i found out about a place that can get my ticket down to 35 dollars with no traffic school required. Gotta love Vegas and its perks!
I feel it's quite sad that this is all I have to blog about lately.
But in my defense, I'm a single mama right now, and venturing out on too many excursions without my hubby accompanied by The Chaser is still a bit daunting.
Chase is getting easier but remember my last post? You try taking a pretty tall, almost 6 year old autistic child out in public by yourself and see how ....no i won't finish that sentence because for one thing, it sounds mean, and i don't mean it to! It's just not my idea of a good time standing in Smith's grocery store, trying to buy turtle pie, while your son is screaming and crying because you wouldn't indulge him by taking him to the bathroom just so he could flush the toilets. Chase was screaming so loud that when he walked by this guy standing in line for the bank, the man literally jumped out of the way, literally. It was awesome....no, it really was funny. It made me smile and I am just grateful that Chase will follow me around a store now, even if he's blind with fury at me. In the past if he got mad, he would drop to the ground and stay there f-o-r-e-v-e-r.
Oh Hallelujah not anymore!!
I miss my hubby. I feel incomplete without him. He's finally hit the half way point of his deployment and there is a faint, tiny, idee biddee light at the end of the tunnel now...yeah!
I can't wait for him to come home. He is my rock and my soft place to fall all at the same time.
Spring Break is next week. Having to endure Spring Break alone with your children when you're hubs is away in Afghanistan is a sick sick joke! A week of having the children home, all day, without Eric, has made me vow to venture out everyday to one place of entertainment. Thank goodness we live in Vegas and won't run out of things to do but I'm just hoping that it doesn't do me in. It just might! But if I just chose to stay in the house all week because I fear a major public meltdown from Chase, I would most likely go crazy, and take you all with me.
You think I kid!!!
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