Friday, February 11, 2011

Christmas...and afterwards

Ok, well, i was going to blog the pics I took at Christmas, but there weren't many, and I can't find them on the camera or the, it's like it never happened!

But I can say that Christmas was very mellow. Chaser was super super sick with a horrible respiratory virus, which he gets every year but usually before Christmas, more like Thanksgiving. But not this year, he was sick the whole week of Christmas. Eric had just come home from being in Wisconsin for 3 weeks of Army training and Chase got sick and I had a sinus infection and then Eric caught a cold. But in a week's time, we were all better. Allie was the only one that stayed healthy!

So Christmas day, we didn't grace anyone with our presence and just stayed in. Allie got an electric scooter from Santa, along with the rest of the kids in the neighborhood so she played outside all day (did i mention yet how much I love a Las Vegas winter) and then at night, for Christmas dinner, we picked up Papa John's pizza and went to the Drive-In theaters. It was alot of fun! We saw Gullivers Travels (love Jack Black) ate pizza, drank root beer, and just enjoyed snuggling together in our car on Christmas night. Chase was drugged up and asleep the whole time. So you know he was happy!
Next year my parents will be home from their mission in Australia, so we'll go up to Utah and have a White Christmas maybe??

For New Years, there are no pics because we just went to bed! I can't stay up past 10:30pm anymore these days, which is strange for me because I used to be such a night owl. I am now no longer a night owl but still not an early riser! What a conundrum!

A few days after New Years, Eric left for his deployment. It was so hard saying good-bye but it's part of the job and I'm happy he could be with us for the holidays! I'm so proud of him for going overseas and serving his country. He gets to be there with my brother which i think is awesome!
( A close up..probably a lot closer than you've ever wanted...btw, it was 5:30am at this point, remember, i'm no early riser.)

(About to go thru the check point and get our pass to be able to accompany Eric to the gates. Then we had a long time to wait before Eric boarded, but it didn't feel like a long time)

(Chase and his dad doing fishy face while waiting in the airport)

(Allie and Eric just hangin out)

(Eric with the kids)

Just about time to say good-bye:( I love Chase's gangsta look he has on his face.

Saying goodbye :(

(Chase had no clue what was going on)

If anyone knows me, they know I hate saying goodbye, it's so hard for me! So as me and the kids were walking away after Eric boarded the plane, Allie and I start crying. Chase is of course, none the wiser to anything that's going on. Sometimes I envy that! When we walked outside to go to the parking garage, we couldn't believe it was snowing!! It wasn't even cold! Watching the falling snow on our way home lifted our spirits and we carried on.

I know these pics don't really show the snow falling, it looks more like rain, but it was snowing...big flakes. When we were driving past the MGM and New York New York, you could hardly see them through the softly falling snow. It snowed the whole way home, and we loved every minute of it. But, we were happy it stopped when it did and didn't stick, because, well, I can still love me a Las Vegas winter.

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