Friday, June 4, 2010

Blog Ignore-er

I've been an ignore-er to my blog.
But not by choice!
Ever since the Mr. got home, things have been busy! Not to mention, I've got Allie home all day on track break, to which most of her friends are on different tracks and in school right now and when she goes off track break and back to school, they go on track break. There is one girl that is on Allie's same track, but we're not sure where she goes all's quite the mystery...and when we ask her, she ho hums around the question...anyway...

The busyness will increase tonight when i go to purchase a dresser from someone on Craig's List, for $17.50. A large, heavy, totally 70's decor, solid wood, awesomely ugly dresser from someone that lives behind the Mirage (didn't know you could live "behind" the Mirage/Treasure Island) and will promptly take a can of spray paint to it and perform emergency re-do. Then it's on to The Home Depot to buy new hardware and voila...(hopefully voila) it will be as good as new! Can't beat that with a stick!

But until it isnt' 105 degrees outside, which it currently is right now, I'm going to paint a tree on my bedroom wall using my sweet over head projector. Hopefully it'll drop down to 90 degrees so I don't have to die of heat exhaustion when picking up the dresser tonight...have I mentioned how much i don't look forward to summer in Las Vegas??

1 comment:

Lin-z said...

Good grief, it's 105 already?? How did I even survive my mission there?
You should move here. We'd have a blast because I have repainted almost every stitch of furniture in my house. Walls too. Paint is magical.