So I
finally finished up with our summer road trip vacation pics, now it's time to play catch up with what's happened since's only December you know!
But since summer, we've started school, had Halloween, Thanksgiving and now it's Christmas time! As quick as it was for me to type all of the last sentence is exactly how fast it all flew by too! What?!!??
Yet another year for Allie to attend a school that wears a 'school uniform'. I lurve it, Allie doesn't! |
Chaser here doesn't attend a school that wears uniforms. In Allie's words "He just does NOT know how lucky he is". I say to her "Them's the breaks Allie!" |
Our awesomely new huge kitchen sink that I love. |
It's one of those kind where the middle divider thingy is only half as tall at the sink so you can fit your cookie sheets and griddle pans in the sink to wash! How exciting! Yes, this is what my life has come to people.... |
That's one cute kitty, oh yeah, we're to Halloween now.... |
Allie and Chase with their cousin Gavin. Not sure what Chase is doing with his hands here...flapping them like usual I suppose! Lemmie just say for taking 3 kids trick or treating, 2 of those said kids being autistic, we totally nailed it. No one cried, fell to the ground, or had a melt down. Success!!!! And the best part is, I could eat as much of Chase's Halloween candy as I wanted, and he was none the wiser. Allie on the other hand photographically in her mind somehow memorized all her candy and noticed when a Butterfinger was missing. How does she do that?!! The girl takes her Halloween candy possession very seriously...whatdoyado?? |
Doing some detective FBI work.... |
Done with Trick or Treating and enjoying a Cranberry Sierra Mist...only the best soda ever invented and only available during the Holidays...they should pay me for this endorsement. Just pay no never mind to the paint stained kitchen table we possess. There comes a point when you just give up scrubbing the paint off when your child somehow always finds where you hide the paints. It's time to start over! Thank goodness for belt sanders and Lowe's Paint!
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I just dig our tree. I dig dig dig it. I am a lover of the 'fake' Christmas I alone in this??? |'s that for playing catch up! Up next: Thanksgiving pics! |
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