So by now, most everyone in the blogging world has posted their kids Halloween costumes. I'm not even close to being "there" yet, still stuck in summer!
In Hot Springs SD, they have this really cool Mammoth Site. We jumped on that like white on rice as we were driving thru to go to Colorado.
Foot print!!! |
They've uncovered so many fossils and it was so interesting to take the tour and learn about how they discovered them and when...and just how old these bones are!
To learn a quick overview of the history of it all and check out the website, click
From there, we went to the Rocky Mountains, and stayed in Estes Park, where I fell in love with a town.
Hiking in the Rocky Mtns in August |
For as long as I live, I will make it our goal to someday retire in Estes Park. Have you ever been there? If not, you should go. It's beautiful, the summers are divine, the air is clean and clear, and the people are nice, well, that's not giving them justice because I live in Las Vegas, and it's a big city, and you know how "people" in big cities can be to one another, especially driving, but I digress. We spent 4 days there and Eric had to pry me away when it was time to leave because I thought I had died and went to Heaven. We WILL live there someday, oh yes, we will. As long as its conducive to Chase's needs of course :) Everything always will depend on my little man:) I wanna live somewhere that you don't
have to have your AC on 24 hrs a day and you
can open windows at night in the summer. Don't get me wrong, i love Vegas from the end of Oct to about April 1st. Then our love/hate relationship begins again. Yes, I'm sure it gets cold there, and as i say this, it's 37 degrees there and the high for Vegas today is 66. Really, you can't beat that. THIS is why people live in Las can't beat 66 degrees in November. Maybe we'll just have a summer home there, ya know, because we're gonna win the Lottery and be able to afford that. And come back to Vegas for the winter.
On our hike |
This little dude followed us almost the whole way on our hike to the waterfall. |
How Chaser spent most of his time hiking. Lucky dog. |
Butterfly on my butt. |
My daughter happy to have finally arrived at the waterfall :0) |
First time seeing a moose in my life (My city girl life is showing) |
We did ALOT of hiking there, who wouldn't right?? LOVED it. That clean mountain air hopefully cleaned out my Las Vegas lungs for a while.
Gorgeous, and I ain't just talkin "bout the peeps in the pic |
Elk! One of the few times I've seen these bad boys in real life...i really gotta stop embarrassing myself like this. |
Snow in August, we were only at ya know, like 13 thousand feet here...but we drove to this point. Freezing! |
This pic looks alot more dangerous than it was..I promise she was in no real danger. It may look like it's a cliff below, but it wasn't. I swear. |
Wait...did i already post this pic?? I can't remember....this is what happens when you post a ton of pics in one post. Don't ya just love when people go on a hike and post a ton of pics of the scenery that mean everything to them but nothing to the people looking at the pics? Not saying i did that or anything... :) |
P.S. Did i mention i want a cabin the Rocky Mountains? Did i mention I want to follow the rule that when you bring your groceries inside your house, you have to make sure you either put them away right away if your kitchen window is open, or close your kitchen window so Yogi Bear wont come in and eat them? Or when you leave your house, you have to make sure not to leave the back door open with just the screen door blocking the outside because animal friends could come in for a visit? Sounds superb! Would I rather have a bear break in....or a burglar with a gun and more on his mind that stealing the hot dogs and steaks sitting next to the fridge...I'll take the bear...uh oh, is my city girl naive-ness showing again?
Those pictures are GORGEOUS!!!
My hubby dug up the bones of a woolly mammoth (mastodon to a geologist)while drilling in downtown Stockton, CA. I scolded him for not sticking a bone fragment in his pocket to take home for me.
(whoops, my previous post was signed in under 'said' husband's account)
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