I tell him every year to stop growing up and getting older, but he doesn't listen! Why don't these kids listen to their mama?!
This birthday was the first b-day that Chase actually blew out a candle and opened a present. Past years he wouldn't go near a flame, even on a candle. He would just get a panicked look and plug his ears, and as far as opening presents, no interest at all. But this year was different! Well, there was a little bit of ear plugging, but hey....still progress from last year!
He actually wanted to blow out his candle and he opened the presents without a lot of coaxing.
It's hard that Eric has to miss holidays and birthdays, and it's really too bad he didn't marry a better picture taker! But, as the french say.....C'est la vie!! :)
it-was-so-cute, I Loved it! I died!)
Yep, that's Chase in his underwear. That's how this kid rolls. Who needs pants when you're 6...or 36 for that matter!?!
This kid never ceases to amaze me with what he can do, and how he progresses towards recovery from his autism.
When I told Chase Happy Birthday when he woke up and came downstairs, he looked at me like I'd just asked him to go shave the cat.
Maybe next year he'll understand a little more what it means to have a birthday. Everytime I told him "Chase...Happy Birthday", he'd reply with a Happy Birthday back. I wish I could see into his mind and find out what he's thinking. That would sure be magnificent!
This kid never ceases to amaze me with what he can do, and how he progresses towards recovery from his autism.
When I told Chase Happy Birthday when he woke up and came downstairs, he looked at me like I'd just asked him to go shave the cat.
Maybe next year he'll understand a little more what it means to have a birthday. Everytime I told him "Chase...Happy Birthday", he'd reply with a Happy Birthday back. I wish I could see into his mind and find out what he's thinking. That would sure be magnificent!
Happy Bday to that cute Chase! You are such a great Mom for him!
Yes, you are such a great mom for Chase! I love the birthday pictures!
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