Wednesday, February 23, 2011

It's the hub's b-day!

Today is my hub's birthday...and wouldn't ya know it, lucky him gets to spend it in Afghanistan. What a way to celebrate a birthday...being surrounded by sand, wind, mud and lots and lots of swearing. But never fear....he's got many care packages awaiting for him to open and enjoy the contents of, one of which is an e-reader. I got it at Borders and bought the insurance on it, which i never do, (especially when buying something at Best Buy,) but when the lady said "Honey, a camel could spit on this, and we'd still replace it for free" (in a southern accent).....I was sold.

I'm not sure if there's many camels in Afghanistan, but I figure if they'll replace it due to camel encounters, then they'd surely replace it, if say, something more realistic happened, like a tank drove over it, or it got stolen by insurgents...ya know, something realistic.

Happy Happy Birthday to my hubs of almost 10 years. Here's to a bazillion more...that's a real word you know.... and it means forever!
I lub you.

( That there is one handsome Airman :)


jvsnajder said...

My brother is about to come home from his deployment to Afghanistan and meet his son for the first time. My prayers are with your family.

Unknown said...

Babe! I lub you too! Thanks so much for the dedicated blog post. I had a great birthday because of our conversations and emails. Thank you!