Plus, with Eric getting ready to go serve in the pesky war in Afghanistan soon, we've been busy getting him ready to leave. There's alot to do when you're spouse is leaving you for 7 months!
~making sure there's enough salt in the water softener and going to Home Depot and buy enough bags of salt to last for 7 months...i ain't gonna lie, them bags be heavy.
~cleaning out the garage
~finishing some home projects while I still have him here to help me! (I'm gonna miss my project buddy!)
~ fixing the stucco around the back door and painting said back door
~ going shopping for cold weather 'stuff' so that while Eric's in Wisconsin training with the Army for 3 weeks, in December, (plus good 'ol Afghanistan is quite chilly this time of year), he doesn't have to freeze to death if i can help it. I know a thing or two about spending time in Wisconsin in the winter, don't ya know!
(Yep, that's me, in the dead of winter, while I was on my mission in Wisconsin)
You don't know winter until you've spent one in the great state of Wisconsin...or Russia, but i've never been to Russia, i just know how cold it is there at Christmas time from watching Rocky IV many times.![](
and the list goes on....
But I'm grabbing a minute right now to catch up on blogging, so here we go (sucking in to hold my breath until this post is done so i can actually finish something i start...or pass out, whichever comes first)
Here's a few projects Eric and I were able to finish before he leaves on Saturday to train with the Army. I must say, I am slightly jealous that he's training with the Army because:
1.) He gets to go to Wisconsin, which of course holds a special place in my heart because that's where I served my mission, but i don't envy that he is going in the winter, because i haven't forgotten how cold it was there. It was so cold there in the winter that we had to knock on people's doors with a golf ball, because if you tried to knock with your hand in your glove, no one could hear the knock. But if you were silly enough to take your hand out of your glove, 2 things would happen. First, your hand would instantly freeze and become paralyzed and you'd feel like you were getting frostbite the second your bare hand hit the open air, but, if you knocked with your bare hand, the skin covering your knuckles would split open. Ouch.
2.) He gets to shoot those guns that sit on top of the tanks. How fun would that be? I think pretty fun, but not fun enough to make me want to run out and join the Army. I just think it would be fun once, and then I'd go on with my day.
Okay, back to our projects.
We saw this idea in a magazine, to make a wall clock using family pictures. It turned out so cute, and looks even better in person. Now imagine the clock, on a painted wall, which is coming soon. White walls don't live long in our house. Thanks to all the military houses we've endured :)
I saw this sundial mirror on a blog and thought it was very cute! I had a spot on the wall in our loft that needed something, and I"m slowly getting rid of store bought items to hang on walls, and trying to make my own. The whole thing cost me about 5 dollars to make, and was easy like sunday morning. Wanna know how i did it??? Just ask! I'll tell, I promise!
But this next one is my fav!
It was my thought up creation made a reality with alot of help from Eric!
I love how it turned out. It completed our bedroom i tell you what! I think if we ever switched which side of the bed we slept on, i would have to change the letters to match. Is that OCD talking here??
There are many more projects just swim swim swimming around in my big ol' head right now that I am itchin to make....but for now, i'm busy getting the hubs ready to deploy. I'll have time on my hands when he's gone, but let's just hope the time isn't filled with broken bones and trips to the ER....remember that post from not so long ago?? Broken bones, trips to the ER, and flu's aren't my idea of a good way to pass the time. Curse you double bouncing abilities of a trampoline!
You are so crafty.I absolutely love the project in your bedroom! I like the others too! Lets hang out while your hubs is away.
For sure Nicole. Fo sho!
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