Friday, September 3, 2010

You can dance if you want to....

When we first moved into our house last December, I quickly learned how thankful i was that our house has 3 bathrooms. 2 upstairs, and one downstairs.

The reason being: When we first moved in, Eric's shift at work began at 6am, which meant he had to leave the house no later than 5:30am (because we don't live on base,) which meant he was getting up at 5am, and on days he had PT (physical training) it was even earlier. A time I won't dare mention because it was that early in the morning. A time only parents with newborn babies know about and know well.

So I quickly banned him from using the bathroom in our room and he claimed the downstairs bathroom as his own.

Now that he works the graveyard shift, the "bathroom issue" isn't an "issue" anymore, but he still claims the downstairs bathroom as his own. So, if it's a "man's" bathroom, as he claims, then i knew if i wanted to put any decor in there, it needed to have no frills.

So since I'm still somewhat laid up with this:
I try to do things that don't require much standing up and walking around, because, man oh man, if you've ever broken you're 4th toe on your left hurts, and you really wish your home didn't have stairs...20 stairs to be exact....and everyday you wake up, you see that the bruising has moved further down your foot..
I swear my toe is dead.
Eric assures me it's supposed to look like this, and says if i would poke it with a needle, it would feel better/it would relieve the pressure.
I just can't do it.
My 7 year old says she would do it if it were her toe.
When i'm in the car, i swear it's going to explode, well, it feels like that anyway.

So today when the kids were at school, and Eric was working in his man cave, i made this for "his" bathroom downstairs.Upon hobbling down the stairs and entering the 'man cave' to show it to Eric, he said out of everything I've made, this is his favorite.
It now hangs above the toilet...and everyone who goes in, will for sure come out singing "The Safety Dance". Thank you Men Without Hats!

(P.S...The best part? The whole thing only cost me 1.99 to make because I already had the scrapbook paper, modge podge and cardstock. The frame was $1.99 at Goodwill. Does it get any better? No, no it doesn't :)


andrea said...

I'm glad I've never broken a toe.

And how in the world did you come up with "Safety Dance" to be the theme song in your bathroom?!?

Ber said...

Well Andrea, I just thought "If you've gotta have a song stuck in your head, why not have it be the Safety Dance" song?? And then I asked myself "why do you have to have a song stuck in your head anyway??"