Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What's for Dinner?

When Eric is deployed for months at a time, or even on TDY (temporary duty assignment) for just a few weeks, all cooking stops at my house.
I don't mind cooking, dare I even say I enjoy cooking for my hubby. He's so good about complimenting my cooking, even if it stinks sometimes. He'll try it and find something good about the dish, even if it tasted like poo.

But when he's gone for a while, I totally get out of the habit, and can't just jump right back into cooking when he returns home, as much as he'd like!

He was recently gone for 3 weeks and it took me a whole week to even cook once. For the first week, we sat down to PB&J's and mac n cheese with hot dogs.

I know.

But since then, i knew I needed something to motivate me to get back into it, so I made this in attempt to make me happy about sweatin it up in a hot Las Vegas kitchen.

And it helps, it really does! Looking at it, and what it has written on it all day keeps me in the mindset of, eventually, i gotta brave the heat of cooking in the kitchen in August, and cook away! Yes I have A/C, but when it's well over 100 degrees outside, it still gets hot inside.
All I had to buy was the chalkboard paint. I already had the frame, the chalk, black spray paint and ribbon!

Spaghetti taco's rule.

Oh, and by the way, I wouldn't mind at all if summer went and caught an untimely death. Our power bill was a beautiful 280 dollars for July.
Out with summer and in with Fall I say!

1 comment:

Dee said...

Love your menu blackboard. I'm afraid even this wouldn't help me want to cook, but it sure is neat!