Monday, August 30, 2010

Good Idea/Bad Idea

Good Idea:
Going to the long awaited, most anticipated grand opening of Hobby Lobby in Vegas.
(Me and the kids)

Bad Idea:
Taking your 5 yr old autistic son with you....oops.
Imagine a gazillion and one eye level shopping carts every where you turn, and probably feeling like they're coming right at you, and not wanting to get into one of the said shopping carts and instead, feeling like throwing yourself on the ground and crying is the better idea.
(Chase on Halloween last year, but he pretty much looked the same at Hobby Lobby, minus the tiger costume though)

Good Idea:

Bad Idea:

Forgetting you rented a Redbox movie over a week ago and never returned it. What shoulda been .99 cents turned into not .99 cents.

Good Idea:
Allie wanting a Barbie cake for her b-day party

Bad Idea:
Thinking I could make one, don't look too close, it's scary...I wasn't dealt the crafty cake making skill when they were handing out talents in heaven. And no, this was not my first attempt. But I love that Chase's head is in the picture!

(Allie's theme was Princess and the Frog)

Good Idea:
Your 7 yr old receiving a Rapunzel doll at her b-day party on Saturday and instantly falling in love with it and her resplendent flowy golden hair.

Bad Idea:
Her 5 yr old brother cutting off Rapunzel's hair minutes after Rapunzel came out of the box.

(Really Chase? Rapunzel? With all the Barbie's laying around this house, you choose Rapunzel? Of course!)

Good Idea:
Owning a fridge that has a water and ice dispenser.

Bad Idea:
Your son stacking things in the water dispenser, like fridge magnets, small toys, or my all time favorite, a pint glass.
(I ask myself why we own such a pint glass when we don't drink beer! And by the way, pint glasses are heavy.)

But, just so you know, in case you were wondering, toes do a great job of breaking the fall of a pint glass. The pint glass comes away from the scene of the crime unscathed, but your toe, now that's a different story.
But you're in luck, it's a story I can tell!!!

This next part is not for the faint of heart....i'm just've been warned.

The Culprit:
A pint glass

The place:
Fridge water dispenser

The Crime:
Falling from the water dispenser, landing on my foot, and seriously injuring the 4th toe on my left foot. See, this is why i do not walk around barefoot, except for right after I've mopped...and i had just mopped...shame on me!

(Minutes after the fall. Note: A hairless Rapunzel's legs on the floor next to me)

Right after it happened, Allie was upstairs and heard the glass fall, and then heard me crying...yes, i cried, alot, because it hurt, alot. And while she was putting a band-aid on, and cleaning up all the blood on the tile, Chase was asking for ice cream!
Note: Chase didn't get ice cream.


(All the bracelets they gave me at the ER, Fall Risk was my favorite....)

(The next morning)

(Every hour the toe gets blue-er.)

When it happened, Eric was not home, but came home about 20 min later to see me on the floor all red puffy eyed and Allie taking care of me. What would I do without my Allie??!!
As Eric and I were sitting in the ER, he tells me he's never been in the Nellis AFB Emergency Room.
I told him that was unacceptable.
We won't say how many times it's been for me, but if you read my blog enough, you'll already know how much i LOATHE the ER, especially at Nellis.

But finally having Eric there with me, instead of always by myself with the kids or just myself, turned out to be alot of fun!
He played "doctor" when the "dr" was out of the room looking at the x-ray, by bandaging up my toe, cleaning it with hydrogen peroxide, also carrying me to radiology because they had no available wheel chairs. He stole a band-aid for the road, he kept me laughing while we were waiting for endless amounts of time in the waiting room, and he even let me give him hand sanitizer when i felt it was warranted...he adjusted my crutches, dared me to drink from the huge bottle of sterile water, which i did, but he tried it first, offered me a million dollars to lick the ER floor, and obeyed me when i forbid him from using the drinking fountain in the waiting room...that's just asking for mono.

I also realized as I was writing this blog, how almost all of the good idea/bad idea's had something to do with Chase. Chase doens't understand that cutting off Rapunzel's hair is wrong and that it would cause Allie devastation, or that putting a pint glass in the water dispenser could break a toe, or that it wasn't the best time to be asking for ice cream as I'm sitting on the kitchen floor bawling and bleeding. But that's just Chase! And we love him for it, in all his innocence.
Today he went to Kindergarten, he gets to go for 15 minutes a day and hopefully by Oct it can be increased to 30.
Everyday I pray for a cure, all the the while everyday, watching him slowly coming out of his autism.

My sister came to watch our kids while Eric and I went to the ER, and Chase seized the opportunity to have ice cream from the gallon bucket 'o ice cream while my sister was in the end, everyone was happy! :)

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