Thursday, May 20, 2010


Dos (Spanish)
Zwei (German)
Dois (Portuguese)

For such a small number, there's many ways you could say it.

I have 2 kids, and in the Mormon culture, that's like having none. But even though 2 is a small number, i have been in the ER 3 times in a month. You'd think with that quota I'd have at least 5 kids or more.

This time, instead of a broken bone, it was strep throat. Allie's throat was so swollen her tonsils were just about giving each other a hug. The question of the day is : Why do these things always hit hard when the dr's office is already closed?!!
That's a mystery that may never be solved but almost everyone can relate to eh?? eh??

Luckily, unlike when i was there with the Chaser last Friday, we were in and out in about 2 hours...instead of 6. And I was glad for that because just before Allie's name was called to go into the back to see the Dr, a very very big guy, looking very very miserable, came in with a very very big puke bucket.

All of this is happening, of course, because Eric is away at training. As sure as pie, as soon as he comes home, all will be calm and back to normal. It's just the way it works in the military. It's a long standing joke but so true.

Thankfully i have my in-laws here and could take Chase to their house instead of with Allie and I to the dreaded ER.

He must have played hard because when i put him to bed, his room WAS clean, but when I went to check on him before i went to bed, this is what I found:

Let's observe what Chase did while he was supposed to be 'slumbering'.

Overturned his dirty clothes hamper, took books off the shelves, opened a bag of pull-ups, pulled his sheets (and pillow case) off the bed(remember he only has one working arm and hand) drew on his pillow, some books and himself, including his cast, and my favorite part, he fell sleep with his hand on his favorite computer.

I think it's safe to say that all that action would tucker anyone out!

Let's just hope that when Eric goes TDY for 3 weeks in July, all broken bones will be healed and sore throats stay a thing of the past!
I mean, it just isn't fair he miss all this excitement right?? I'm sure he'd agree.


Shauna said...

Hey Ber- When your hubby is in the military your kids count as double since that second parent is in and out and not always available to help. So your 2 kids become more like 4. When Jerm was in the Navy my 3 kids (that's all I had at the time) seemed more like 6... And as soon as Jerm was back the problems seemed to magically disappear!

Ber said...

Ain't it the truth Shauna!!And now that Jeremy isn't in the military anymore, you're problems stay away right?!! One can hope!