Wednesday, August 31, 2011

New Tile Backsplash anyone?? Don't mind if i do!

So Eric got home from Afghanistan on July 6th and before we left on our vacation, we got right to work on projects at home. We put in a glass tile backplash that turned out so loverly! I LOVE it. But it wasn't easy. The directions said you could do it in one day or so, it took us 5. But it was sooo worth it!

Here's a before pic: We were at first trying different blue's and were origianlly going to stensil a design on the wall for the backsplash but we didn't like how it turned out, so....

We painted above the cabinets yellow, the same yellow I painted the dining room. It looks pretty subtle in this pic, but it's better in person.

Allie LOVES to help us paint!Good thing we do alot of it....


We love how it turned out. But I think next time we want to do something like this again, I'll ask my brother or dad for help because they both are tile setters and would be able to do it alot faster!

Stay tuned tomorrow for the first segment of our "super road trip to Mt Rushmore and other really cool sites family vacation" pics! I know you'll be waiting with baited breath...right? No? Oh...


Nycole said...

So cute Amber! It totally changes the look of your kitchen!

Lindsay said...

looks AWESOME!!

andrea said...

I love the backsplash, and also the absurd number of outlets.

Stjerne said...

Awesome job!!! That looks amazing. I love the backsplash.

chercard said...

totally love it!